Other Valuable Items (O.V.I.):

Other Valuable Items are trinkets, objects, documents, and other significant items holding monetary or historical value.



You discover what appears to be a useless, decayed cloth belt.. Suspecting this could be a clue a lost history, and may be used to discover the happenings of that time frame in history, you carefully pack it away, making a mental note to find out where it came from, and what was happening at the time it was worn. You know there are others who possess the ability to know or discover something of significance relating to this now worthless item. When a seemingly wothless object is found, because it is an "OVI", it will be of some importance to someone, somewhere, somehow, even if it might not be significant.


Game Master: Take some time and daydream a bit on each O.V.I. that holds no monetary value. Create and write down what you make up. Keep that information organized so you can easily look it up should that item be found, and its history and origin investigated.


Roll on the following chart to see what O.V.I. has been discovered:


%Roll: O.V.I. type:

01-80: Antique

81-90: Document, Important

91-00: Map